What are the costs for the multiple EU languages?

1 000 000 000 euro (€) = 665 000 000 GBP (£) or 1 200 000 000 USD ($).

The actual costs of multiple languages are much greater than these figures suggest, as they do not include the extensive translation work done locally in the member states in conjunction with the EU. Should not these millions be put to better use?

Of course we should not be miserly to the point of foolishness. If having 20 working languages is the best available solution, there is no point in changing that.

The EU employs approximately 4 000 full-time translators and interpreters. Beyond that a large number of external translators are hired, who now account for about 20% of the translation done. Both of these figures are expected to rise considerably within the next few years.

© Hans Malv, 2004